Lessons in Virtual Education

In March of 2020, students and faculty across Canada were displaced from their classrooms by COVID-19 shut-downs. The impact of this shift was felt by institutions in every branch of the education system; from grades K-12, to colleges and polytechnics, to universities. We were so pleased to partner with the The Canadian Club of Ottawa this month for an event on Virtual Education discussing how schools responded to these challenges.

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Now is the time to upskill and reskill

Upskilling and reskilling the workforce is widely understood as vital for the success of any post-pandemic economic recovery.

This fact is underscored in a recent report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) titled The Future of Jobs Report 2020.

The need to upskill and reskill was already evident before the rise of COVID-19.  The pandemic has only made this necessity more urgent.

Read More > “Now is the time to upskill and reskill”

On the radar: polytechnics delivering 21st century talent for Canada’s aerospace sector

Aerospace is an integral and strategic sector for Canada. Not only does it add high-value jobs, innovation intensity—with beneficial spill-over effects—and billions in GDP to our economy, it’s also key to protecting our borders, surveilling the North, putting Canadians in space, and potentially, delivering COVID-19 testing kits via unmanned aerial vehicles to remote regions of the country.

Canada needs a strong aerospace sector and aerospace needs Canadian talent.

Read More > “On the radar: polytechnics delivering 21st century talent for Canada’s aerospace sector”

Investments in education and training infrastructure critical to Canada’s long-term recovery

As Canada begins to build back better, investments that achieve multiple benefits stand to expedite recovery and amplify impact.  Just as the United States once did with its New Deal to respond to the Great Depression, a key ingredient to Canada’s long-term recovery will undoubtedly be infrastructure investment and development. 

Read More > “Investments in education and training infrastructure critical to Canada’s long-term recovery”

Best practices in Indigenous education and what it means for Canada’s recovery

Image provided by Fanshawe College – students learn traditional teachings and participate in ceremonies as part of the summer college and high school accelerator programs.

One of the many impacts of COVID-19 was to bring to light longstanding economic inequalities exacerbated over the past months.  As Canada looks ahead to pandemic recovery, we must do so with a renewed focus on Indigenous reconciliation.

Read More > “Best practices in Indigenous education and what it means for Canada’s recovery”

Training in a Pandemic: Insights into Preparing Canada’s Workforce

The critical role of Canada’s frontline workforce has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. In industries like healthcare and emergency response, technology, agriculture and construction, Canadians rely on the essential workers who keep the country fed, functioning, safe and healthy.  

Read More > “Training in a Pandemic: Insights into Preparing Canada’s Workforce”

Connecting work to education should be priority beyond pandemic

COVID-19 has disrupted labour markets unlike anything since the Great Depression. Young people have been especially hard hit by the economic slowdown, with school closures and a transition to remote learning. Youth were also among the hardest hit when employers reduced operations. 

Read More > “Connecting work to education should be priority beyond pandemic”