Webinar: Applied Research: Supporting a Business-Led Recovery

With dedicated research space, equipment and expertise, polytechnic applied research can be a game changer for Canadian businesses looking to re-tool and revamp their operations. Polytechnics Canada hosted George Brown’s Ann Sado and SAIT’s Dr. David Ross, joined by their business partners from Quantum Robotics Systems and Katal Energy Inc., for a panel to provide insights into applied research partnership.


Webinar: Lessons in Virtual Education

In March of 2020, students and faculty across Canada were displaced from their classrooms by COVID-19 shutdowns, impacting educational institutions at every level. In partnership with The Canadian Club of Ottawa, Polytechnics Canada hosted Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities Hon. Ross Romano as well as Algonquin College, Carleton University and the Ottawa Carleton District School Board to discuss challenges faced and lessons learned.


Webinar: The Polytechnic Role in Pandemic Recovery

Established in May 2020, the Industry Strategy Council undertook an extensive consultation to consider sectoral pressures resulting from the pandemic, releasing its initial report at the end of the year. In a session moderated by Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Dr. Larry Rosia, we engaged three members of the Council to discuss their recommendations to government.


Webinar: Training in a Pandemic: Insights into Preparing Canada’s Workforce

Canada’s frontline workforce is largely trained using an applied, hands-on learning model, something that was threatened by COVID-19 restrictions and the necessary transition to hybrid and remote delivery. In partnership with the Public Policy Forum, BCIT’s Kathy Kinloch and Seneca’s David Agnew discuss the innovative ways polytechnics are using to deliver education and training in an online, remote and hybrid environment.