Book Summary: Apprentice Nation by Ryan Craig
As an approach to cultivating workforce skills, apprenticeship has yet to reach its full potential. In Apprentice Nation: How the “Earn and Learn” Alternative to Higher Education will Create a Stronger and Fairer America, higher education expert Ryan Craig speaks to how the apprenticeship model could be adapted to train a new generation of technology workers in fields that are changing faster than most post-secondary curricula can adapt.
Craig offers a thought-provoking analysis of the shortcomings of a traditional college education in the United States, speaking to both the time commitment and price of advanced education. For many prospective students, he argues the path to a “good first job” is rife with barriers that post-secondary education has been unable to sufficiently overcome. To deliver labour market success, particularly for marginalized and low-income students, he offers practical policy advice designed to better engage employers in training the workforce they need.