Commercialization is critical for Canadian productivity. Colleges can help

While Canada’s weak productivity performance is not a new phenomenon, its impact is beginning to show more than ever.

Families are struggling with inflated living expenses, reduced job security and the high cost of housing, leaving many feeling as though they are falling behind. Small and mid-sized companies – the backbone of the economy – are burdened by long-standing capital investment challenges and rising operational costs, bogging down their ability to lead an economic expansion.

All signs point to the need to fire up Canada’s innovation engine. Postsecondary institutions can help.

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A new model to revolutionize higher education

Higher education has the power to change lives, build communities and drive economic growth. And it’s time for the model to change.

For years, education has followed the same approach to delivery: students enroll in a program, take a set of courses and earn a credential. This approach assumes that every student follows the same pathway to graduation.

Higher education has essentially been an assembly line, adhering to a status quo education model where everybody comes in the same way and goes out the same way. This no longer suits the world for which we are preparing our students.

Read More > “A new model to revolutionize higher education”

Humber College uses digital twins to make buildings smarter

On a scorching summer day at Toronto’s Humber College, a smart system precools buildings in the early morning to avoid the afternoon spike in electrical rates at peak demand time. Another system turns on lights in rooms only when people are using them. And when the weather is cold, heat pumps have learned to redirect heat from crowded spaces on campus to other buildings that can use some warming.

Since 2014, Humber College facilities have grown by 25 per cent, yet the school’s use of smart controls as well as energy-efficiency initiatives and retrofits has reduced energy use per square foot by more than 20 per cent.

Read More > “Humber College uses digital twins to make buildings smarter”