Campus Locations
205 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, ON
M9W 5L7
2 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive
Toronto, ON
M8V 4B6
275 Alder Street,
Alder Street Recreation Complex
Orangeville, ON
L9W 5A9
Applied Research at Humber
Humber embraces the polytechnic model of education by combining education and training with business innovation through three Centres of Innovation. These centres are helping to solve real-world problems, accelerate new applications and prepare graduates to drive progress and performance in an era of unprecedented change.
Humber has 124,411 sq. ft. of indoor space dedicated to applied research and expertise in the areas of:
Social Innovation
User Experience Design
Sustainable Architecture
Systems Integration
Humber is home to five Centres of Innovation:
Learn more about Applied Research and Innovation at Humber
Unlocking Barriers to Indigenous Academic Success
Humber Polytechnic is one of the first post-secondary institutions in the country to offer free tuition to students from eight First Nations communities. In Fall 2024, Humber began offering an Indigenous Tuition Grant program, waiving full cost for Indigenous students from Alderville First Nation, Curve Lake First Nation, Hiawatha First Nation, Mississaugas of the Scugog Island First Nation, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (Tyendinaga Mohawk) and Six Nations of the Grand River. By addressing financial barriers to post-secondary education, Humber is advancing the institution’s Truth and Reconciliation objectives and deepening relationships with local Indigenous communities.
Leading the Net-Zero Transition
As the impacts of climate change become increasingly apparent, polytechnics aren’t just preparing learners for a sustainable future, they are living it. For example, Humber Polytechnic’s SWITCH project is reducing the institution’s biggest source of carbon emissions at their North campus by 70 per cent by replacing existing gas heating and cooling systems with a modern hot water system. This is expected to save $55 million in utility bills over the next 30 years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent. This project will help Humber reach its net-zero goals by 2029, two decades ahead of schedule.
To learn more about environmental solutions offered by polytechnics, check out our publication.