There is a lot happening at Canada’s polytechnics. Our blog offers perspectives on the exciting work underway on campuses and in Ottawa. Do you have a polytechnic story to tell? Share it with us!

Four ingredients for excellence in skilled trades training

Canada’s workforce is facing two distinct pressure points – an aging workforce and the emergence of disruptive technology.  As new technologies become pervasive, the current workforce and recent graduates alike must develop new and in-demand skills to stay relevant in the labour market.  As the pace at which Canadians are retiring also increases, the talent pipeline must become more efficient, with qualified workers ready to fill looming vacancies.  While these issues are affecting the workforce broadly, the skilled trades are facing these dual challenges faster than most.

Read More > “Four ingredients for excellence in skilled trades training”

Polytechnics here to help: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) – the software that drives Industry 4.0 – has both dramatically improved efficiency and produced a new set of challenges for governments, employers and individuals alike. For governments, there is a legal and regulatory framework to be developed – one that incents innovation but respects privacy and security. Employers need to grapple with the introduction of new technologies or the very real possibility of obsolescence. Individuals are navigating labour markets heavily impacted by emerging technologies, with implications for employment and the necessary skill requirements.

Read More > “Polytechnics here to help: Artificial Intelligence”

Supporting Canada’s green economy through small business innovation: recommendations to the Standing Committee on Finance

As they do every year, Ottawa’s Standing Committee on Finance is asking Canadians for their best ideas on how the federal government can use its purse to solve national challenges.  In recent years, the committee has focused on challenges related to productivity, competitiveness and inclusive growth.  This year, the federal government is on the hunt for ideas related to climate change and how it can stimulate Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

Read More > “Supporting Canada’s green economy through small business innovation: recommendations to the Standing Committee on Finance”