Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2025 Federal Budget

Key recommendations include:

  1. Make the Budget 2023 investment in the College and Community Innovation Program permanent
  2. Establish a $46-million Polytechnic & College Research Growth Fund to propel applied research solutions to Canada’s major challenges
  3. Invest $50 million over five years in cybersecurity at Canada’s polytechnics and colleges
  4. Provide sustained funding to support work-integrated learning for post-secondary students and enable upskilling for mid-career workers
  5. Establish a Canadian Work Experience Pilot to encourage international students to study in priority fields
  6. Prioritize the retention and completion of apprentices in high-demand trades

The Economic Impact of Applied Research at Canada’s Polytechnics

Polytechnics Canada has worked with economists at Prism Economics and Analysis to study the economic and social impacts of applied research underway at our member institutions. Along with datasets drawn from NSERC, Statistics Canada and our own annual surveys, principal investigators and business partners provided information about the value derived from applied research collaborations. The report includes 30 case studies, showcasing projects driving market innovation, technology adoption, environmental impact or improved health and wellness.

Key takeaways include:

  • Every dollar invested in polytechnic applied research generates a return on investment from a low estimate of $8.09 to a high of $18.49
  • As a result of applied research collaborations, 51 per cent of project partners reported increased R&D capability, 48 per cent achieved improved competitiveness and 12 per cent said they created new jobs
  • More than 85 per cent of applied research partners are small- or mid-sized organizations – a group that faces unique barriers to investing in R&D. Among the barriers identified are a shortage of technical staff, lack of facilities, capital constraints and regulatory burden